Upcoming Cycling Events

It finally seems like spring has sprung. On that note, Wheelhouse has a few events we'd like to clue you into in the coming month. National Transportation Week is the week of May 4. On May 8, there is going to be a Transportation Fair at Campus Martius to encourage commuters to bike or take the bus to work. It's from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and we'll be there with coupons -- so come say hi!

That leads right into Bike to Work Day on May 15. Visit our friends at Detroit Synergy to keep up-to-date on that. We're pretty sure there will be one from Royal Oak and there might be additional ones between downtown and Dearborn and/or Grosse Pointe, too.

SEMCOG is issuing a Commuter Challenge between May 11 and 22 to encourage car- and van-pooling, public transit, biking and walking. Join in at SEMCOG.org/mirideshare.

Ride of Silence: An annual, national, slow-paced bicycle ride that takes place the third Wednesday of May to honor those cyclists who have been killed or injured while cycling on public roadways. Wheelhouse Detroit is co-sponsoring the Detroit Ride of Silence 2009. It will begin on Belle Isle, leaving from Scott Fountain promptly at 7:00 pm on May 20. The 10-mile ride will head west along Jefferson, north along Woodward to Comerica Park, and reverse route back. After the ride, there will be a free bar-b-que sponsored by Macomb Bike & Fitness.

Check out our Tours Page for info on our tours and a chance to register. We'll be posting more about them soon!




Bikes in the (Wheel)house