Note From the Owner

To be blunt, Wheelhouse has been riding the struggle bus for a few years, from having to close our Hamtramck location in 2019 to sliding right into the pandemic. Yes, there was a “bike boom” but, to be honest, it only benefitted the big-big guys, while us little folks have been left to scrap. But that’s OK, we’re scrappy by nature! And this season has felt actually almost sorta normal, like our treading is evolving into actually floating. Hopefully.

There are a few positive things to note, like that group rental and tour bookings are up — more people are getting out and doing stuff and businesses and organizations are planning outings again. Pictured above is from a delivery we made to No Barrier 2 Success, a youth training organization located on the Avenue of Fashion.

We’ve also landed our very first city contract, with the Detroit Police Department. We’re providing them with some new bikes and servicing the ones they already have. As you might imagine, this is huge for our small — actually, we are technically defined as micro — business!

And last but not least, the tiny but mighty Wheelhouse crew is running at a Class A rating 7 days a week. Tatiana, Rob, Judith, and Joseline are running the shop like bosses, Linda is booking group rentals and tours with aplomb, and our tour guides and sweepers — Tera, Mike, Reg, Chris, Blake, and Dan — are providing our guests with memorable and quality experiences. It makes my heart so happy when I get compliments about our team. I know it’s cheesy to say and sometimes used in a gross corporate way, but they’re like family to me.

That’s all for now, and probably more than enough! — Kelli


Parking Info: August 11-13 Good Moves Good Grooves @ Cullen Plaza


Wheelhouse July Bicycle Tours