Treehugger bike stories is one of the smartest sustainability websites out there, and we wanted to draw your attention to the site if you weren't already a regular reader. Appropriately, they write a lot about bikes because, in their own words, "Bicycles are, as we keep telling our readers ad nausem, the most efficient means of transport humankind has ever devised." Here are a few sample posts to get you started.

An exhaustive look at various methods of cargo carrying in Bicycle Cargo. Chapter 1. We don't know about you, but we love challenging the limits of our bikes. How much can my rack/basket/trailer hold? Here are examples of some folks pushing the limits.

Sometimes things aren't black and white. A cyclist's death from being hit by a car recently caused some stir in Toronto. It seems that both parties are at least somewhat at fault, which only muddies an already-complicated situation. Read about it here.

Stylish purses-slash-bags made for a bike? That's some fashion we can get behind! Check out Bagonia.

This photo is worth a thousand words:

Read the whole post here.

Kelli met Treehugger founder Alex Steffan many years back when he visited Detroit, and K&K heard him speak in Chicago just a couple of years ago. What we love about the site (and the book they published) is that it a meld of nerdy activism and pragmatic insight. Make it a regular interweb destination.


Tour de Troit


Labor Day Closure 09/08/09