Flat Prevention, Part 2 of 3: Avoiding Grit & Debris

Since Wheelhouse opened in 2008, Detroit has come an increibly long way in terms of bicycle infrastructure. But one issue is debris in bike lanes, that can oftentimes cause flats.

Of course, all streets have the potential for debris along the curb, but it does seem to be more frustrating and noticable when a lane made just for you is pretty much unusable.

Whether or not you’re riding on a street with a bike lane, we recommend not riding in the debris, even if it pushes you out into another lane. Legally, cyclists have the right to do so. Of course, use caution and common sense.

Debris, including glass (Detroit Diamonds!) and small wires (these come from radial tires and can be almost invisible to the naked eye), are the second most common reason for flat tires that we see at the shop. We take care to find the culprit or replacing the tube is just going to be an exercise in futility.

If you’re changing your own flat, carefully feel along the inside of your tire for anything sharp. If it’s also gone through your tire, that will need to be replaced as well.

We do know that the Detroit Greenways Coalition is advocating for more regular bike lane sweeping and recently organized a cleanup of a portion of Hamilton’s bike lane.

Part 1: Get Pumped Up!


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